Maristella Meroni
Bio Postural gymnastics teacher with CONI diplomaMasseuse with fortnightly experienceRelaxation and breathing techniques – Vietnamese reflexology on the face – kinesiology neurotraining
I report the full text of one of my clients suffering from endometriosis at the end of September 2014
…we were on the phone just before you left for Carrara… I remember while you were explaining to me what you were going to do and describing this strange object made up of two tubes. With my usual skepticism, I thought to myself that you were crazy, but the love for your work would take you anywhere!!! Having returned from Carrara, the evening you presented SOULSPENSION to us, I don't know why the skepticism was receding.
Finding it in front of me and listening to your presentation I understood that this instrument was starting to inspire me, in fact I certainly wanted to try it; However, at that moment I would never have thought of the enormous benefit it would subsequently bring me. Now, about a month after that evening, I can say that SOULSPENSION saved me! Endometriosis combined with a probable intolerance, if not allergy to gluten, and a body deprived of the thyroid, had made me completely disabled.< /p>
Everyone knows that endometriosis is painful, but until you go through it you can't understand. On September 6, after the second hemorrhage within a year, the gynecologist suspects endometriosis. He immediately talks to me about CT scans, MRI, colonoscopy, laparoscopy, big words that I didn't think I'd have to deal with.
I knew about endometriosis but certainly not in detail. I start reading, researching, looking for answers and asking questions and I immediately understand that it is a serious, chronic and above all painful disease. There are women who have suffered more than me, but I too was reduced to being disabled with very little autonomy; the only position in which I didn't feel pain was lying down.
A month and a half on the sofa was my only cure, at least until I discovered SOULSPENSION! A month and a half in which getting up, going out and having a minimum of social life meant taking painkillers, not excluding the fact that some days I had to take them even if I didn't leave the house. The pain was unbearable especially during my period. However, my outings did not exceed two hours and after only an hour on my feet I was a wreck, painkiller or not.
Can you imagine on a psychological level what all this means? Disability is the worst thing that can happen to a human being. The world around you stops; the others move forward, you don't!
The pain was concentrated in the lumbosacral part and behind the uterus. Standing was really difficult! The anterior pelvic area, however, did not suffer from any pain; only on the right side, in correspondence with the liver area, did I often feel pangs. For the rest, most of the pain was all in the lower back area, from the right side to the left, up to the kidneys; a very large area, as the CT scan later confirmed. Only on November 17th, when I have the colonoscopy, will we fully understand where my endometrium has been placed, assuming it is still there.
I always say that it's still there because after just one SOULSPENSION treatment, the pain has practically disappeared, I'm not exaggerating, in fact, days after the treatment it felt like feel better and better.
Now that I'm writing I'm on my second treatment and I'm a different woman! The pain is non-existent: I leave the house, I'm out and about all day, I go shopping at the mall and I've started making love with my husband again.
Having sexual intercourse with endometriosis is practically impossible and my mood is also returning to that of a happy person.
Energetically I'm still exhausted but I'm also recovering my strength and all with just two treatments of SOULSPENSION, this tool which in its simplicity is helping me heal.
After a month and a half of hell you find it hard to believe that a chronic and painful disease like endometriosis could be defeated by SOULSPENSION.
After a treatment with the instrument, in addition to the relief from pain, you have the sensation of having more air in your lungs, your breathing is longer, deeper and more relaxed, you feel the back is more relaxed, the body is firmer, stronger, more concrete; I don't know if I can get the idea, even the chronic neck pain and mid-back pain, which have accompanied me in recent months, are disappearing.
I noticed severe itching throughout the evening near the cesarean section, I'll be thawing there too.
I am convinced of one thing: that this experience of mine must be shouted out, it must be made known, it cannot remain closed among the few people who know it!
Going back to the beginning, I thank Maristella for going to Carrara and for having believed so much in that journey which is bringing her great satisfaction.
Sure SOULSPENSION works, but only if whoever gives you the treatment works, there's little you can do!!! Thanks again Mari and thanks to the one who invented this powerful healing tool!!! Thanks Annalisa.
After three years I receive this new statement:
My relationship with SOULSPENSION in recent years has been to do treatments, at least two, at a more or less regular interval of about three months.< /p>
2/3 meetings were always enough to significantly reduce the lower back pain caused by endometriosis, while for the cervical I also needed to supplement with some massage.
However, three years after the first time I tried Postural Suspension, my thoughts and its use have not changed to such an extent that, since endometriosis is a chronic illness, I purchased it because having it at home is also very useful for those moments of tiredness or stress; 10/15 minutes lying down and calm returns.
It is important to underline that my stage of endometriosis is not the most acute, but I am sure that it would also benefit higher stages of the pathology.
Thank you Annalisa
Below I report two further professional experiences with the tool:
– Emanuela: she also suffers from endometriosis which was treated surgically but not resolved. After some Postural Suspension treatments he reports that he has less pain and fewer pangs. He also reports better posture and more body heat.
– Mattia, 26 years old, who has had heart surgery four times over the years. After a month and a half of sessions with SOULSPENSION, without making too much effort, or rather, by doing the minimum of exercises, he completely recovers the extension of his arms.
I met SOULSPENSION and it was love at first sight…
In these years of my personal and professional use with people of different ages, I have always found common denominators among them: well-being, calm, broad breathing, lightness , the light in the eyes, the sensation of a new state, of a profound reconnection with oneself, as if people were at home and understood the importance of dedicating time for themselves, therefore listening to themselves and importance of inner silence which brings greater awareness in everyday life.
The Postural Suspension training course held in Carrara in the Patrizia center left me with not only the teaching of the use of the instrument in all its applications, but also a new awareness on other levels of well-being:
I feel different, more determined, stronger in carrying forward my beliefs. I have many ideas swirling in my mind, which is now more closely linked to my heart.
I don't know what this "little instrument" has touched inside me, the fact is that I sincerely thank the person who created it and I want to make it known to as many people as possible and use it in my daily work.
Thanks PatThanks Soulspension