Save the date: 25 and 26 February, Postural Suspension course for Aesthetics, in Falconara.
Here is a new seminar ed I N N O V A T I V O that is right for you!_11100000-0000-0000-0000 -000000000111_
SoulSpension, in collaboration with IAL (Innovation Learning Work Marche) , organizes a two-day seminar for qualified beauticians, to discover an innovative practice for treating customers at 360°, acting gently on all fabric imperfections.
When: 25 and 26 February 2024
Where: Falconara M. Ma, Via Baldelli 23 (AN) Marche
Who is it aimed at: beauticians
A new adventure in the world of 360-degree aesthetics.
Call (+39) 348 354 3096 to register!
Two free seats !!!
Call We are waiting for you!
For information:
(+39) 348 354 3096